Tag Archives: wine

Time For Valentine ….

Oh yes it’s that time again
To declare togetherness and love
For those committed to remain
A connection as pure as a dove

Today’s love is smart, warm and clever
For two people to be intwined 
A bond to last as long as forever 
As we all celebrate every day as a ‘valentine’…

JW Nelson 
February 14, 2024


COMPANY OF FOOLS: Selling For Love & Life, Is A Tricky Business by [J. W.  Nelson]

Company of Fools: Wild, Irreverent Rom-Com Novel Proves Love & Life are Tricky Business (if Not Impossible!) 

J.W. Nelson’s ‘Company of Fools’ zeroes in on the tumultuous life of Justin Whalley, a well-intentioned man who dreams of a wife, children and a steady job. But of course, in true literary fashion, this is too much to ask – as Justin finds himself thrust into the pain of heartache, embarrassment, a love triangle at work and the obligatory suspicious death of a colleague. Join Justin as he attempts to unravel the mess, get his life on track and figure out how on earth anyone can define the world “normal”. It’s hilarious, poignant and tugs at the heartstrings.


J W Nelson 

Email: jwnelson2k@gmail.com

Twitter : @jwnelson3

TikTok: @thepoet_who_writes2 (mr J W Nelson2)


United Kingdom – J.W. Nelson has been writing his entire life. This unique muscle of creativity affords him a frank view of the world and people around him, something that oozes off each page of his latest romantic comedy novel.


‘Company of Fools: Selling For Love & Life, Is A Tricky Business’ will either make readers grateful their own lives are so “boring”, or provide a wake-up call for them to get their shizzle back on track. Either way, it’s absolutely thrilling.

Buy Link below…



Meet Justin Whalley. He’s a straight-laced, not too bad-looking young man who wants three things from life – a wife, children and a good job. Not too much to ask, right?

For Justin it’s nigh-on impossible. His tumultuous journey to attain everyone else’s picture of ‘normal’ involves a heady rollercoaster journey (with his family and close friends strapped in beside him) through a wave of emotions, embarrassment and heartache.

He finds the girl he thinks is ‘The One’. Starts to win her affections and hopes his love story is about to blossom. However, the whole game seems impossible. Changing tack he ventures down a dangerous, wild path which threatens to damage his clean-cut reputation at work.

Justin’s ‘so-called’ sales performance sees him hauled up in front of his manger. He becomes embroiled in a love triangle at work. And then things turn disturbingly dark when a work colleague dies in dubious circumstances.

Are women always this difficult?

Is selling for love and life really such a tricky business?

Or is it Justin’s Whalley ways?

“This novel has everything die-hard fans of romantic comedies and drama crave, while of course giving them something totally new and engrossing,” explains the author. “Justin is perfectly flawed and, in a way, represents the hopes and vulnerability of us all. His struggles are ours, and we’ll find ourselves championing for his eventual success and stability.”

Continuing, “I’ve always had a huge interest in the common man, and our relationship with humanity as a whole. Justin isn’t sensational at all; he could easily be living next door, or might even remind you of yourself. Be prepared to run the gamut of human emotion as Justin attempts to emerge victorious from this thing we call “life”. As they say – nobody comes out alive!”

‘Company of Fools: Selling For Love & Life, Is A Tricky Business’ is available now: https://amazon.co.uk/COMPANY-FOOLS-Selling-Tricky-Business/dp/B08GFS1W18 (Adult comedy/drama)

For more of the author’s work, visit his official website: https://jwnelson309.com/

About the author, in his own words:

I was born in Birmingham on the same day as my mother. 

I have enjoyed writing since I was ten years old. My stories were often read out to the class in English at school. Since then I have continued to write for the enjoyment of it, whether it was lyrics for songs, poems. I attempt to dedicate time to writing full-length manuscripts (hopefully for publication). 

I’d welcome the opportunity one day to be able to write screenplays and scripts for movies and/or television.

I have a self-published other books – one of Poetry on Amazon (e-book ‘Poems for the Festive Season’) – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Poems-Festive-Season-J-Nelson-ebook/dp/B00Q3C4BEU

And recently released on Amazon (and within the next couple of weeks in book shops) – Young Adult adventure mystery – Pentagon Pirate Gang; The Secret of the Orchard (for ages 9+)


Additionally I have written three further young children’s poetic picture books that need illustrating /editing before submitting

Company of Fools – 5 Star Reviews

Hello – Reviews i’m told are only part of the whole book sales and marketing cycle. I’m new to this so i’ll take the words of those who have trodden this well beaten path before me and done it successfully too.

Hopefully in I to, may be a party to this exclusive club, for now here is what i hope will be ‘one of many’.

Customer Review

Andrew Newton 5.0 out of 5 stars A fun book that rides to rollercoaster of a high pressure sales environment

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 September 2020. A great, amusing book. For anyone who has been in a sales environment and the crazy stuff that goes on there, this is an amusing read that rings true! A fun novel to spend some leisure time with if you want to experience the highs and lows of working in a high pressure sales environment.

Company of Fools is available on ;





For a visual overview of my work go to: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBkYK8VLns4BU0Dud0_fMA

For UK customers I can sign a copy if you are wanting to purchase a copy – let me know and I can purchase on your behalf, sign it and forward on (I accept paypal ).

I’m hoping to at some stage (depending on sales and for things to be ‘more open’) in the current environment to have a author slot at a local library – again where i can carry out signings and discuss my book and other writing work i’m currently engaged in.

Finally for those thinking of Christmas (Yes, I know its that time already), I have a E-book entitled – Poems for the Festive Season (On amazon and Goodreads)


Any comments or questions appreciated..

Company of Fools (new novel)

My debut novel is now available on Amazon in paperback and e-book


Let me know what you think if you purchase or download a copy …



One Page Novels by – J.W. Nelson Volume 1

       train-1635038_1280    The Dream Journey by Train

Samuel Peterson, a frantic, stubborn man, leapt forward in huge strides, as he targeted the 1615 from St. Pancras station. The tannoyed voice ricocheted violently across the air, entering Peterson’s ears presumptuously. A female, high pitched tone droned on about the train he was about to catch, so he hoped. His legs moved swiftly now, like a greyhound chasing that ever moving plastic rabbit.

Sweating profusely, panting heavily, his 13 stone out of shape body, lumbered towards the train, sitting noisily on platform 3.  Entering the cabin, exhaling for moment to draw breath, Peterson scanned the seats from his bespectled view.  Cabin H, first class, yes that’s the one, seat number 13a. Fourteen pair of eyes drilled his. His stature. His demeanour. Decisions about Samuel permeated their minds. A tall, scruffy looking, male with no discernible instant appearance to determine his ancestry, perplexed the other passengers.

A large, untidy beard, covered his facial skin, as did his baseball cap for his head. An expensive pinstriped suit, finished off with white tatty trainers, sounded alarm bells in already prejudiced views. Without completely recoiling, as Peterson shifted towards his seat, eyes averted his as he drew near, as though Peterson was a storm or a hurricane heading in their direction. Then the moment of truth, seat 13a. There with her head down in 13b, sat a lady, about forty years old, auburn hair, glued to her electronic device. She didn’t look up once, as Peterson, fumbled with his bag in the overhead space. He spied her, eying her over, from her head to her feet. Deliberately taking his time to address his bag, compensating for the being intently watched by two men in seat 16a & b. This pragmatic opportunity delivered itself like a gift.

Finally slumping unceremoniously into his seat, Sarah White looked across at Peterson. ‘Hello Sarah. We were wandering when we’d have this meeting. You know what I mean don’t you?’

‘Don’t start Sammie. Drop the bullshit and give it to me straight for once’, Sarah fired back again turning to face the window she sat against.

‘I’d love to give it to you straight, you know that right’, Peterson desperately wanted to smile, yet his professionalism didn’t allow that sort of emotion or frivolity. His voice even, no discernible accent.

Sighing, shaking her head, Sarah White’s beautiful, cosmetically manicured face, bright emotionless eyes, began losing some of  colour, vibrancy and sparkle.

‘You lot better understand something’, she started, her voice low, yet determined. ‘If anything happens to me…’ Peterson and Sarah were interrupted by the attendant serving drinks. Peterson ordered two white tea’s with one sugar.

‘You were threatening something’, Peterson continued Sarah’s last repost, as she anxiously stirred her one sugared tea.

‘It doesn’t’ matter anyway’, Sarah reacted sharply, sipping her tepid beverage, ‘ your organisation will find out soon enough’.

‘Umm I see’, Peterson, muttered to himself, something he rarely did. Then he turned to face Sarah, rather seductively, knowing she despised him and his intentions. ‘My secret love, oh how my heart is saddened, as thou’s last journey on a train, leads to your final resting place’. His words faded as the sun does at around 840pm in the summertime. Sarah’s body relaxed, her eyes closing gently, settling into her seat, she drifted into a never ending cycle of sleep.

Peterson sat upright, nonchalant, calm, normal. Chirping could be heard from his right hand jacket pocket, the Mission Impossible theme tune by Lalo Schifrin. Peterson extracted his phone an answered. ‘Is it done’?, was the question. ‘What do you think? Peterson bounced his rhetorical question at his caller. ‘Of course, she’s sleeping’.

That morning, Samuel Peterson, awoke snuggled up in bed with his wife Sarah, who didn’t know about his murderous intentions to divorce her..

(c) Copyright J W Nelson 2017

New Year Wishe(s)

So I guess it’s time to wish

The new year I hope will spark

New beginnings, a new healthy dish

Hard work maybe, with a little walk in the park
Bright, positive hopes 

Coupled with realistic plans

No flight, keep the fight to cope

Resist the temptation for  the’beer cans’ 
Upward, onward, hoisted on the expectant breeze 

2017 is our story yet to be written 

Delivery of your goal is yours to seize 

We reach our targets as we are smitten
Hooked onto the unexpected 

Galvanise all of our effort and time

Never let our family, role,survival be neglected 

Live our lives, day by day as a rhyme…
JW Nelson 

December 31, 2016